I love shoes! Quite obvious from the name, really, but let me tell you a short story about how it all came to be.
My style journey started back in 2016, when a short-term onshore opportunity came my way at work. As a new IT professional, I was pretty good at what I was supposed to do, but the prospect of working abroad still scared me.
I was afraid of not being taken seriously, so I started looking up guides on looking “older” and “experienced”. Those online articles and videos taught me a lot about style in general, but midway through them I realised that the my problem was not experience – it had to do with something I otherwise generally enjoyed: presentation
You see, up until that point, I really didn’t care about the way I dressed. Sure shirts are nice, so let’s grab the first one that’s comfortable (read baggy) and get done with it. The same thing applied for shoes, or anything else that I bought or owned. But once I started paying attention to the subtleties of style – fit, function, fabric – everything shifted. I was more comfortable, confident, and more assertive than ever, and there’s been no going back ever since.
No matter what they say, first impressions matter. The good news is that everyone can win at this – because it’s not about the looks/body that you’re born with, but how you show it to the world. And when it comes to presentation, there is no other piece of clothing that can make or break an outfit as much as a pair of shoes
I’ve often read that the first three things a woman will notice in a man is his face, hands, and shoes.
Top company execs say that they will judge a prospective employee by the shoes he/she wears to the interview.
And one of my favorite books about shoes even goes ahead and declares a man’s shoes to be his ‘visiting card’.
The simplest and most basic outfits can be leveled-up with the right pair of shoes.
Wherever you go, shoes play a role in the message you’re giving off to the world, so it is pretty important to get it right!
I’ve wasted thousands of rupees on wrong shoes, overestimating their quality for brand-value. And I’ve spent countless hours reading through forums and videos to answer questions and concerns about wearing shoes.
But in all these years, I haven’t come across an in-depth collective authority that talks about men’s shoes in terms of style AND technicality.
That’s why I created The ShoeStopper.
One day at a time, I’m crafting a resource where you come for the guides, but stay for the reviews.
A place that will help you decide not only WHAT shoes you should buy, but WHY you should buy them.
Come join and support me, and I promise you one heck of a ride!