Have you ever wondered how it would feel to wear a pair of suede shoes?
Or perhaps, have you been afraid of buying suede shoes thinking they’ll be too difficult to care for?
I’ve been in both situations, until I bought my first pair of suedes.
So, if you’re currently confused about buying suede shoes – let me tell you this: suede feels AMAZING (plus it is so pretty!) And taking care of suede isn’t too hard either – the general suede care routine in this guide will tell you exactly what to do
When To Wear Suede Shoes
The right season for wearing suede shoes has always been a topic of much discussion. There are some who say that suede shoes are only meant only for the fall, while others swear by it in the summer
Suede and rains are whole another debate.
The best months for wearing suede shoes will indeed be in the fall, when it just starts to get cold and there is no possibility of rain or snow.
But you can wear suede shoes in other seasons too. If you like the look of suede, you can wear them year-round actually. There used to be a time when rain and suede was bad news, but today’s suede shoes can handle a few showers. Some brands even make their suede completely waterproof.
The trick to using suede throughout the year is to care for it based on the season you’re wearing them in.
Suede is a kind of leather, after all, so the same general rules apply. A little bit of pre-treatment and good post-wear care go a long way in making sure that your shoes stay well
So don’t let the fear of ruining suede stop you from buying them. Use these tips instead, and keep up that dapper streak B-)
General Suede Care
Before getting into the season-specific tips to wearing suede shoes, we must know some general suede care methods.
Following these regularly will ensure the longevity of your wonderful suedes
#1: Use a Suede Spray
Just like there are polishes for grain leather, there are sprays for suede.
And a good suede spray plays an important role in the overall health of your suede shoes.
These sprays are meant to rejuvenate and refine the suede in your shoes. Since suede has a velvet-like texture, a spray just makes more sense than a cream or wax.
There are some sprays that are said to slightly alter the colour and finishing of the shoes, so do your research before buying one. Going for neutral sprays would be the best bet as they can be used for all your suede shoes and the chances of colour change would be minimal
When applying a suede spray, be careful not to hold it too close to the shoe. This could cause stains and make certain regions of the shoe look different than the others. The recommended distance to spray from is usually 20 – 30 cm. When in doubt, refer the instructions on the spray bottle
How Often To Use A Suede Spray:
Once every two-three weeks should be good enough, depending on your use.When you notice that the suede has started to look flat, take that as a sign to use the spray
#2: Use A Suede Brush
Did you know that brushing your suede is just as important as brushing your teeth?
Well, at least for me. Although I don’t brush my suede twice a day every day 😛
Jokes aside, brushing your suede shoes will ensure it keeps looking good. The reason why newly bought suede shoes feel amazing is because of its nap. These are the small soft fibers that you can see on the top of the leather.
When the fibers are standing up and separate, suede feels very good to touch – and that forms a part of its allure.
However, to keep these fibers in good shape, it is necessary to regularly brush them
The horsehair brushes that are used for regular grain leather are not appropriate here; there are specialized suede brushes that are available. These brushes can easily lift the nap of the suede and help clean any dust that has settled in. If you don’t have a separate suede brush, any clean soft-bristled toothbrush will also do.
When brushing suede, be careful to do it only in one direction – unlike the buffing on regular leather. This is an important distinction, going back and forth with the brush on suede is just going to ruin its nap
Some options for buying suede brushes
- Helios Suede cleaning brush
- Pro care suede brush
- Puma suede brush
- AP Suede and Nubuck Brush (recommended)
How Often To Brush Suede:
Once after every use, and before wearing them if required
#3: Store Suede Shoes Properly
While it is good to be taking steps to care for your suede shoes before and after wearing them, it is equally important to store them properly
Leather and moisture are no good friends, so make sure that you store your shoes in a clean and dry place. Also, avoid keeping them in direct sunlight as heat can affect suede in the long term
When not wearing suede shoes, the best way is to store them is in a shoe bag. This will prevent them from getting dusty and also allow the suede / leather to breathe.
Top Tips To Wear Suede Year-Round
As mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t be scared of buying suede shoes because of their upkeep. It’s a wonderful material, and if you use the tips below, your suede shoes should last you a long time through all seasons
Suede Shoes In Spring or Summer
Suede, just like grain leather, is breathable.
So it is okay and possible to wear your suede shoes in the spring or summer months without worrying about the heat. Here’s how:
#1: Wear No-Show Socks
If you sweat too much and are concerned about the sweat ruining your pair of suede shoes, then some good quality no-show socks will be right for you

Also called loafer socks, these cover up your feet and reach only till the back of the heel – staying below the ankles. In this manner, they give the illusion that you aren’t wearing any socks, only that you are
Wearing no show socks with suede shoes in the summer has three fold benefits
- Your ankles are exposed and can breathe, which means some respite from the heat
- The foot sweat is still absorbed by the socks, reducing nasty smells and bacteria that could ruin your shoes
- You get to flaunt the trendy sockless look
If you’re not a fan of no show socks, you can still wear suede shoes in the summer. Thin crew length socks, made of a soft material like Egyptian cotton, should do the trick.
In fact, I’d recommend these if you’re wearing suede shoes in a formal / office setting
#2: Go for Brighter Colours
We’ve all learned this at some point in science class: dark colours absorb heat, bright colours reflect heat.

By the same logic, light-coloured suede shoes are a great idea for the summer. The warmer months are also a good time to be bold and experiment with colours, so this just works in our favour
When wearing suede in the summer, think of colours like light brown, tan or beige. I also like a good rust orange or sky blue colour on suede shoes
Because of the richness and softness of suede, bold colours end up looking a lot better on the material than grain leather
#3: Pick Some Suede Loafers or Moccasins For Full Summer Vibes
No shoes speak relaxed-yet-refined like a pair of loafers
Combine them with suede and you’ve got a shoe that attracts compliments like a magnet

Suede loafers work really well in the summer because they’re not as closed off as other laced shoes, thereby helping with the heat. Bonus points if you like no show socks, because now you can even wear shorts with the same pair of shoes and rock those beach/pool vibes
The type of the loafers does not matter – penny, tassel, or horse-bit all look good. Although I find penny loafers better than all the other types, especially in suede.
Note that loafers are semi-formal shoes and suede takes the formality of these shoes one notch lower.
So it may / may not work in your office, depending on the dress code.
If you want to wear suede lace-up shoes then that’s okay too. They may not keep you as cool as loafers, but I’m assuming most of your workplaces are air-conditioned so once you reach the office it should be fine
Suede Shoes in Rains
Rain and Suede is where it gets tricky, but it is still possible to wear your suedes in the monsoon.
Now, when I say that, I mean that your suede shoes should be able to deal with a few light rain showers / accidental spills – no harm done if you follow the tips below. But you should obviously avoid wearing them if you know heavy rains are on the forecast
#1: Pre-treat Suede Shoes With A Waterproofing Spray
This is the most important step in preparing your suede shoes for the rain, or even in general.

It is recommended to apply a waterproofing spray to your suede shoes, right after you’ve bought them. They will act as a general protectant against dust and rains. They form a layer between the leather and the elements so any accidental spills can roll off the surface of the leather
There are quite some waterproofing sprays available in the market. I’ve tried Vetro Power and it works well
#2: Always Keep A Suede Brush Handy
Using a waterproofing spray can protect your suede shoes, but if your shoes do end up getting wet – there are ways to treat them

When suede gets wet, the soft fibers on its surface fall flat and stick together instead of staying separate and up. So if you accidentally get your shoes wet, then brushing the suede to get the nap up (remember: one direction only) is the first step as a part of the post-treatment
Since you never know when you could need it, it is better to keep a suede brush handy – in your bag or maybe an extra one in the office
This way you can do a quick and light brush on those shoes as soon as you get indoors. Your shoes are happy, you’re happy, I’m happy.
#3: Use Steam To Remove Water Stains

Water stains are far too common on suede shoes, but there are also a few ways to remove them:
- Use a clean paper towel / tissue paper to blot fresh stains. Do not rub, gently tap the stained area
- Brush your shoes lightly over the stain to get the nap back up
- Use steam for dried stains
Yes, steam can help with removing water stains. This could be from a kettle, teapot or a steam iron.
Treat stained suede shoes to steam from a distance of about 20-30 cm. Do this only for a few seconds until the suede feels damp. The idea here is to add some moisture back to those dried stains.
Once you’ve done that, gently blot the stain with a clean tissue and then brush the stained area with a suede brush to revive its nap
#4: Allow Drenched Suede Shoes To Naturally Dry
If you find yourself stuck in the middle of very heavy rain, or your suede shoes get completely drenched for some other reason, do not panic. That’s not the end of the road for your suede shoes and we can still bring them back to life

Before doing anything else, you need to allow your shoes to naturally dry. This means stuffing some newspaper in the shoe and keeping them out overnight in a cool dry place
Shoe trees are an excellent alternative to stuffed papers – these are foot shaped inserts that go into your shoe.
They will help with absorbing the moisture while also keeping the shape of your shoes intact. I’d recommend everyone to own at least one pair of shoe trees. There’s an article here that explains all the advantages of shoes trees
Anyway, once the shoes have completely dried you can then follow the same steps discussed in previous point – steam and blot (if necessary) then brush with a suede brush
Suede Shoes in Fall / Winter
Fall is the perfect suede season because you don’t have to worry about the weather having a personal vendatta against your shoes. No extra tips there, use your suede shoes as is in the fall
Winters are a different story. You need to be just as careful wearing suede shoes in the colder months as you would during rains.
The idea remains the same: pre-treatment with a waterproofing spray is necessary, and following general suede care will help maintain the life of your shoes.
But some specific tips for the fall / winter months are as below
#1: Get Some Boots
While it would be better to stay away from them during the summer, the fall and winters are the perfect time to get those suede boots out

The boot style will keep you warm, and the suede style will keep you sharp *grin*
I love the look of a suede Chukka boot, or perhaps even a dress boot in suede. You can wear them with a pair of jeans, or even dress them up with formal pants for work
Yes, suede boots will not be as formal as grain leather boots – but in the right circumstances (and in winter *-*) they will look great
#2: Use A Suede Brush And White Vinegar To Remove Salt Stains
Using suede shoes in the snow means there is a likely chance of your shoes coming in contact with the salt that sprinkled in the snow (to get it to melt faster)

If your shoes are not pre-treated properly, this can result in salt stains causing nasty white spots on your shoes
But this can be taken care of with a little bit of effort. White Vinegar is a powerful ingredient, not only in food but also in removing salt stains on suede shoes.
First, it is always a good practice to brush the suede to get rid of as much dirt/salt as possible. After that, you can apply some white vinegar to the stain, then blot the spot with a tissue paper to get the remaining residue or stain out. Always be careful and start with less vinegar; too much of it can spoil the suede
Once the shoe has dried up and the stains are blotted, use a suede brush again to get those fibers back up
#3: Dark Colours Look Great And Can Hide Salt Stains
If bright colours win in the summer, dark colours dominate the winter: for the same reasons described earlier

Dark coloured shoes will absorb more heat and light than reflect it keeping you all warm and cozy. They also hide salt stains very well, which are common with snow and winter. This means that you won’t have to work too hard towards removing those stains, the colours will do that for you 🙂
Dark shoes are also easy to match and go with more winter outfits
The best suede shoe colours for the winter would be dark browns, chocolate browns, grays, blacks and even navy
A navy coloured chukka boot has been on my wishlist for months! Maybe I should buy them in winter this year 😉
Don’t Step On My Blue Suede Shoes!
Isn’t it cool how there is an actual song on suede shoes?
Now that you know how they can be worn at different times of the year, maybe you get inspired to buy blue suede shoes too! 😀
Oh, and do let me know if you have any questions.
I’ll be here, grooving to this rockin’ tune *claps*